Belajar matematika

Di taman kanak-kanak tidak di perkenankan untuk belajar matematika yang dalam , tapi nanti disaat kelas 1 SD , pastinya anak akan di uber buat HARUS BISA belajar sesuai kurikulum.

Maka waktunya peran orangtua untuk membantu anak belajar dirumah , dimulai dari yang gampang , sampai batas yang bisa dikerjakan si kecil.

Sudahkah mom ajarin anak sehari 15 menit minimal?

iyaa mom, yg murah meriah tapi bisa jadi pilihan hadiah yaa hehe

iyaa mom, yg murah meriah tapi bisa jadi pilihan hadiah yaa hehe

Boards of Intermediate and secondary education admission process in matric and inter classes annual and supply exams. BISEs also grant admissions 2023 to students in schools and colleges at the start of academic year. The candidates can watch admissions in schools and admissions in colleges in various boards to start getting education at different levels after admissions in the relevant schools and colleges affiliated with these educational boards. The educational boards in Punjab, KPK, Sindh, AJK, Federal and Baluchistan offer admissions to students in matric and FA/FSc classes, who fulfill the eligibility criteria and meet the education qualification. When the exams are arrived, the boards receive the admission forms from candidates for their registration for matric and intermediate classes annual and supply exams. The candidates will receive their roll no slips and date sheet, which can enable them to attend their different boards SSC and HSSC classes annual exams .