30 Kata Mutiara untuk Ucapan Hari Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kata-kata mutiara di bawah ini bisa menjadi penyemangat dan apresiasi atas kasih sayang para mama


22 Desember selalu diperingati sebagai Hari Ibu di Indonesia. Hari Ibu sering dijadikan refleksi untuk mengingat kasih sayang dan cinta yang telah diberikan Mama kepada anak-anaknya. 

Mama terus mendampingi anak-anaknya hingga mereka menjadi orang yang sukses. Namun, Mama juga tidak pernah meninggalkan anak-anaknya ketika mereka mengalami kesulitan. 

Menjadi seorang Mama tentu tidak mudah. Mama harus bangun malam saat anak sakit atau menunggu anak yang pulang kerja hingga larut malam. Semua itu dilakukan dengan ikhlas tanpa mengharap balasan dari anak-anaknya. 

Pada momen Hari Ibu, sudah saatnya anak-anak menyemangati dan mengungkapkan terima kasih atas kasih sayang yang telah Mama berikan. Berikut Popmama.com rangkum kata-kata mutiara untuk ucapan Hari Ibu dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Ungkapan cinta yang tak tergantikan


Happy Mother's Day to one super mommy. We are so lucky to have you! Thanks for all you do!

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I feel so blessed to have you as my mom. Thanks for always believing in me and doing so much for me. I love you!

We hope you have an amazing Mother's Day, Mom, and that you feel truly appreciated on your special day.

To the best mom in the world, happy Mother's Day. Have a great day!

Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the universe!

2. Ungkapan terima kasih atas kasih sayang


I was lucky enough to get to have one woman who truly helped me through everything. Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love. Happy Mother's Day.

A mother's work is never done, but today, you deserve a rest. Happy Mother's Day.

Thanks for bringing me into this world and always seeing the best in me. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Thank you Mom for showing me how to be the best version of myself. I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me. I am so thankful for everything you've done for me. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

3. Apresiasi terbesar untuk yang sudah melahirkan kita


A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Happy Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day to my very own superhero and the number one problem-solver in my life. I hope you have a great day!

Mom, you are the most outstanding woman in my life, and you'll always be my number one. Have a very happy Mother's Day!

I feel so proud to have you as my mother. Happy Mother's Day!

You are my friend, my spirit, my influence towards success. There is no replacement of you. You are the best and will be best forever. Wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day.

4. Mama selalu menjadi inspirasiku


Happy Mother's Day to my mom, the most selfless, loving, and compassionate person I know. Thanks for everything you've done for me!

Mom, thank you for everything. You've taught me to be a good person with values and morals. I love you so much!

Today and every day, you are our true north. We love you so very much. Happy Mother's Day!

I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a mother as loving, caring and wonderful as you.

A mother’s spell remains the strongest and the healthiest, for in it we have learnt how to love and care.

5. Kehadiranmu begitu berarti untukku


There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. Happy Mother's Day!

The best place to cry is in your arms. Happy Mother's Day!

There aren't enough flowers in the world to show you how much you mean to me. Happy Mother's Day. I love my mom.

Who needs a superhero when I have you as a mom? Happy Mother's Day!

Out of all the moms in the world, I am so glad you are mine. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

6. Ma, aku bangga memilikimu


Raising me took a lot of patience and strength. Thanks for hanging in there. Happy Mother's Day!

To the best mom in the world, Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being chief cook, counselor, taxi-driver, cheerleader, and best all-around mom in the world.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! Thank you for looking after us so well, I know it's not always easy! I love you!

Happy Mother's Day to the greatest mom! We don't say it enough, but we really appreciate all that you do for us every day. You are truly the glue that holds our family together!

Because of you, I am me. Happy Mother's Day!

Semoga 30 referensi kata-kata mutiara di atas bisa menjadi inspirasi tersendiri untuk mengucapkan selamat Hari Ibu. Selamat Hari Ibu untuk seluruh perempuan hebat yang selalu menjaga anak-anaknya!

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