50 Ucapan Selamat Berbuka Puasa Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris

Momen berbuka bersama pasangan menjadi saat yang paling dinanti


Bulan Ramadan menjadi bulan yang banyak dinanti, terutama oleh seluruh umat Islam di berbagai penjuru dunia. Sebagai bulan yang penuh berkah, tak heran bahwa Ramadan menjadi ajang untuk mengumpulkan amal kebaikan sebanyak-banyaknya.

Salah satu momen di bulan Ramadan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu ialah momen berbuka bersama orang terkasih.

Tidak hanya bersama teman, berbuka bersama keluarga apalagi pasangan, menjadi saat menyenangkan. Dengan mengucapkan selamat berbuka puasa kepada mereka pun bisa menyenangkan hati mereka, lho. Terutama jika dilakukan untuk pasangan.

Nah, kali ini Popmama.com telahmerangkum 50 ucapan selamat berbuka puasa romantis berbahasa Inggris yang bisa diungkapkan kepada pasangan. 

Yuk, disimak referensi mengenai ucapan selamat berbuka puasa!

1. Ucapan yang mengandung doa


Bulan Ramadan adalah saat yang tepat untuk memanjatkan doa kepada Allah SWT. Momen buka bersama pasangan bisa menjadi saat yang digunakan untuk berdoa bersama.

Tak hanya mengucap doa, dengan mengucapkan selamat berbuka puasa kepada pasangan menjadi hal yang menyenangkan bagi pasangan.

Berikut ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggrisvyang mengandung doa, antara lain: 

"May us be blessed with the love and protection of Allah. Wish you a pleasant iftar, love."

"In this season of holy Ramadan, may Allah give us a good health and sustenance. Happy iftar to you, darling."

"May this beautiful month bring lots of happiness for us and builds a way of happier life. Happy iftar, honey."

"I hope that Allah will grant us long life so that we can meet many Ramadan months together. Happy iftar, dear."

"The call to prayer has sounded. Let’s hope that Allah will accept our fasting today, aamiin. Enjoy your iftar, sweetheart."

"This year’s holiest month is upon us. May it usher in peace and blessings for all. Happy iftar, love."

"Happy iftar, my love. Hopefully that our fasting will bring kindness."

"May our fasting today bring abundant goodness to us and to others. Happy iftar, my dear."

"May Allah accept our good deeds in this blessed month. Happy iftar, my love."

"Ya Allah, thank you for the gift and prosperity. I ask for happiness like this, Ya Allah. Happy iftar, honey."

2. Ungkapan hangat dan menyentuh


Ungkapan romantis yang hangat dan menyentuh biasanya mungkin terkesan membosankan. Akan tetapi, ungkapan romantis yang disertai ucapan selamat berbuka puasa untuk pasangan menjadikan sisi romantis lebih terasa hangat dan dalam, lho.

Berikut ide ucapan selamat berbuka puasa kepada pasangan dengan ungkapan sayang yang hangat dan menyentuh, antara lain: 

"I’m always excited every time I break my fast with you. I don’t want to miss our time together like this. Happy iftar, my love."

"I have prepared the iftar meal that I cooked with love. Have a pleasant iftar, darling."

"Thank you for being here in this iftar time. Happy iftar, dear."

"In this holy month, I want you to know that my love for you is just as pure and holy. I love you. Let’s have our pleasant iftar!"

"I love you because of Allah, and I have my fasting because of Allah too. Happy iftar, love. Eat it up well, okay?"

"My fasting days without you might still be fine for me. However, I enjoy my fasting days with you more. Happy iftar to you, love."

"Alhamdulillah, my fasting time becomes more beautiful when I have my iftar with you. Happy iftar, dear."

"I really enjoy having my iftar with you. Thank you for coming to my life. Enjoy your iftar, my beloved partner."

"Breaking my fast with enthusiasm because I already imagined this happy moment with you. Let’s have our happy iftar, dear!"

"To you who I always love, happy iftar time."

3. Kata-kata yang disertai rayuan


Dengan mengucapkan kata-kata rayuan, terutama kepada istri, maka suami akan lebih mendapatkan berkah karena termasuk dalam menyenangkan hati pasangan.

Tak terkecuali, momen berbuka bersama pasangan bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk melontarkan rayuan yang mungkin terkesan lucu, namun bisa diterapkan ketika memberikan ucapan selamat berbuka puasa.

Berikut ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris disertai dengan rayuan, antara lain: 

"Happy iftar to the most beautiful woman I know."

"You have the most beautiful smile in the world. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

"You have been the most special gift to me from Allah. Enjoy your iftar meal, my love."

"My angel, happy iftar time. I love you more than you know."

"Ramadan without you is still Ramadan. But, my life without isn’t life anymore. Happy iftar, my beloved."

"I don’t need a perfect one. Nobody is perfect though. I just need someone who can make me feel complete and loved, and that person is you. Happy iftar, dear."

"I’m the luckiest man in the word to have you in my life. Let’s have our iftar meal together, love."

"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. Happy iftar, darling."

"Honey, are you google? Because you have like everything that I’m searching for, and this moment becomes one. Happy iftar, honey."

"Baby, you should know that my love for you is uncountable. Let’s have our happy iftar, baby."

4. Perkataan sekaligus peringatan


Ramadan tak hanya menjadi bulan yang penuh berkah, melainkan juga bulan yang suci. Untuk itu, penting untuk selalu menjaga diri, baik perkataan maupun perbuatan kepada sesama.

Selain itu, mengingatkan satu sama lain dalam hal kebaikan juga menjadi konteks yang pas untuk digunakan ketika memberikan ucapan selamat berbuka puasa kepada pasangan.

"Don’t forget to pray together after iftar. Enjoy your meal, baby."

"Ramadan is a month full of blessings. Don’t waste this opportunity. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

"Fasting also requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Magrib was sounded, so happy iftar, love. Don’t forget to break your fast with something sweets."

"We will never get the gory of the month of Ramadan in other months. Don’t let this month pass you by. Happy iftar to you, my beloved."

"Praying together is better than praying alone. Before we go to pray, let’s enjoy our meal. Happy iftar, my love."

"Fasting is a shield that will protect us from the hell-fire and prevent us from sins. Happy iftar to you, my sweetheart."

"Don’t forget your iftar prayer after drinking a sip. Happy iftar, darling."

"In this holy month, we have to do a lot of dhikr and give alms to others so that our Ramadan will be full of blessings. Happy iftar, dear."

"Fasting tests our patience, and iftar provides us with immense blessings. Happy iftar, dear."

"Happy iftar, love. This is the time Allah is promised to grant our prayers. Make dua for yourself and keep me in it too."

5. Kalimat apresiasi dan dukungan


Setelah beraktivitas seharian, terkadang seseorang hanya butuh apresiasi dan dukungan dari orang terdekat, terutama pasangan.

Oleh karena itu, akan menjadi hal yang bermakna apabila mendapatkan ucapan selamat berbuka puasa dari pasangan yang disertai ucapan apresiasi dan dukungan darinya.

Berikut ucapan berbuka puasa dalam bahasa Inggris disertai dengan apresiasi dan dukungan, antara lain: 

"Fasting will only be in vain if we can’t hold our lust in other things. You did great for fasting today. Enjoy your iftar, sweetheart."

"Your foods look delicious. I will eat it up all well. Happy iftar, darling."

"Dear, your piousness and devotion are always so inspiring. You motivate me to become a better Muslim and a better partner to you. Happy iftar, love."

"Happy iftar, dear. Even though you keep working in the month of fasting, you don’t let your spirit slacken. I’m proud of you."

"You must be tired now. Let’s have our iftar meal together so that you don’t feel tired alone."

"Resisting lust is not easy, I know. But you can get over it. Happy iftar, sweetheart."

"Happy iftar, honey. Keep your spirit of fasting every day, okay?"

"It’s not easy to reach the victory of fasting. However, you made it. Enjoy your victory, dear."

"Even though your days might be tough, you have to know that I always being here with you, even in your iftar time. Happy iftar, my dear."

"Happy iftar, darling. Let’s keep the spirit of worship in this blessed month of fasting."

Itu dia 50 ucapan selamat berbuka puasa yang romantis dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga ixe ucapan selamat berbuka puasa ini menjadikan hubungan Mama dan Papa semakin melekat, ya!

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